Syd, both these pieces resonate with me. Not least, I suppose, because I am closely at your heels age wise. Other commonalities include a fake knee and love of the outdoors. But the writing, the artistry and clarity is what really lands it for me. With your work , unlike with many poets I read, do I ever ask, “now just what does he mean here?”

Oh yes and “maunder.” Now that’s a word you don’t see every day.

Thanks for all of it.

Ed Wright

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Wonderful Syd! Keep writing.

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As always, very nice. Enjoyed. My own knee-replacement surgery is scheduled for March 1. Just had all the old hardware from my fall from cabin roof in 2010 removed Jan 10 in preparation for it. Healing slowly, but glad it's all out. Doc says my leg bones now look like Swiss cheese. Says it takes six months to fill back in. The joys of growing old. At least we get to. Take care Sydney.

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